Winter Blues & Snotty Things

The Respiratory system consists of the nasal passage, the larynx, the pharynx, the trachea and lungs. Human Beings depend on the ability to utilise oxygen and eliminate carbon dioxide, and respiration is the exchange of these two gases in the body. The lungs are extremely efficient at allowing the exchange of gases between air and fluid, throughout its fine system of blood capillaries.  

As with all imbalances in the body, diet, exercise, and quality of life have a profound influence. If you are going to place your body in a position where it is exposed to physical and emotional toxins and pollutants, it is going to respond with respiratory system ailments.

Smoking for instance, physically taxes most body systems and in particular the respiratory system, but at the same time being emotionally stressed can trigger an asthma attack. So physical and emotional stresses on the body can reflect in ailments.


Can assist in accelerating in the healing process. With the respiratory system, we can encourage the elimination of toxins, relax breathing, tone debilitating tissues and relieve underlying symptoms feeding the problem.


The Immune System

Twenty-four hours a day, your immune system is fighting a war to protect you from millions of microorganisms. The fact is that these microorganisms are merely trying to survive as well.

The impact of these organisms on your body will be decided by the state of your physical and emotional health and your immune system. Viruses and bacteria are very adaptable and can multiply within any host; they just require a comfortable environment.

The cleaner and more balanced your lifestyle the less chance you will have of housing these uninvited guests. Echinacea is a herb fantastic for acute immune system ailments, but not as effective for chronic ailments. Astragalus is a fantastic herb for chronic immune system ailments. Both of these herbs should not be taken continually. Consult your naturopath for a dosage for you.

Dietary Considerations:

• A 3:1 Alkaline diet to acid diet is recommended to prevent the build up of toxins. Alkaline forming foods are fruits and vegetables.
• Elimination of refined and processed foods, sugars, wheats, salts.
• Reduction / elimination of stimulants – tea, coffee, alcohol.
• Elimination of suspected allergens – dairy, wheat, preservatives.
• Regular exercise, no smoking, “breath in life”.



Asthma is the reversible narrowing of the bronchioles (small air tubes), by inflammation of the mucous membranes or contraction of the muscular walls of the diaphragm. This results in difficulty in breathing, wheezing and coughing will occur if excessive mucous is present.

Herb Teas: Relaxants like Vervain, Chamomile, Passion Flowers as a preventatives. 

Essential Oils: Cypress, Atlas CedarwoodAniseed, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Pine, Lavender, Chamomile, Frankincense, LemonMandarin, and Peppermint

Method: Inhalation (not over steam), Chest rub.



Symptoms, like runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, watery eyes all can be from hayfever. There can be antigens like dust, pollens, powders, and insecticides etc that can grab sensitive people. It does not matter what the antigen, symptoms need to be relieved, so if you know that you are sensitive to an antigen, stay away and work on immune system. 

Herbs: Chamomile, Echinacea, Elder flowers, Marshmallow root

Essential Oils: German Chamomile, MyrtleThyme, Tea Tree, Eucalyptus, Pine, Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint

Method: Inhalation, Chest rub.



This is the bacterial infection version that comes from inefficient drainage of nasal mucosa and commonly runs with or after colds and flu or hayfever. Symptoms can be headache and toothache, loss of smell, tenderness over face areas, pressure build up in head. 

Herbs: Fenugreek, Echinacea, Elder flowers, Marshmallow root

Essential Oils: Cajeput, Aniseed, Ginger, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Pine, Spike Lavender, FrankincenseLemon, Peppermint.   

Method: Inhalation, Chest rub.


Sore Throats

This can come from anything that is irritating the sensitive mucous membranes at the back of the throat. Irritants can be as simple as cigarette smoke, dust, fumes etc through to infections and abrasions. Chronic coughing can also irritate the throat.

Herbs Teas: Sage, Echinacea, ThymeLicorice root, Marshmallow root

Essential Oils: Cajeput, GingerSandalwood, Thyme, LavenderChamomile, Frankincense, Lemon, Tea Tree

Method: Inhalation, Throat and Chest rub. 




Bronchitis is the inflammation and or obstruction of the bronchi (breathing tubes) that lead to the lungs. Symptoms that can be present are coughing and expectoration, fever, back and chest ache, sore throat and breathing problems. Acute bronchitis usually follows an upper respiratory system infection (cold/flu), and chronic results from a frequent irritation of the lungs, not an infection. 

Herb Teas: Licorice Root, Ginger, ThymeEchinacea, and Marshmallow Root.

Essential Oils: Cypress, Basil, Cajeput, Atlas Cedarwood, Aniseed, Ginger, Myrrh, SandalwoodThyme, Clary Sage, Eucalyptus, Pine, LavenderChamomile, Frankincense, Lemon, MandarinPeppermint

Method: Inhalation (not over steam), Chest rub.



Coughs can be the resulting symptoms from asthma or bronchitis or from your body simply trying to eliminate a blockage. Either way, we do not want to suppress the cough, but we do want to relax breathing and assist the elimination of the blockage.

If it is a build up of mucous, essential oils like Aniseed, Myrrh and Frankincense are excellent, combined with Cypress to regulate breathing. 

Herb Teas: Licorice Root, Ginger, ThymeEchinacea, and Marshmallow Root

Essential Oils: Cypress, Atlas Cedarwood, Aniseed, Ginger, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Thyme, Clary SageEucalyptus, Lavender, Chamomile, Frankincense, and Peppermint. 

Method: Inhalation, Chest rubs.


Catarrh (snot)

Catarrh is the fancy name for good old snot. This occurs either from the body trying to eliminate an excess of toxins in the diet and environment from the mucous membranes, or a faulty elimination of toxins by the usual organs, i.e. liver.

Herbs: Ginger, Fenugreek, Echinacea

Essential Oils: Cajeput, Atlas Cedarwood, AniseedGinger, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Thyme, Eucalyptus, Pine, Frankincense, Lemon, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang.

Method: Inhalation, Chest rub.



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