White Sage Smudge Stick

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Size: large 22cm
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Product Information

cleanse your environment

SAGE - The power of spiritual healing. As the white sage (salvia apiana) wafts across your body, breathe it into your soul. Let your spirit find its balance with the emotions and the physical body.  Feel its power raise your spirits, feel yourself stand taller and stronger. There are holes in the spirit when it is sad, let the sage fill those holes with good thoughts and positive attitudes.

about Ceremonial White Sage
Also known as- Salvia apiana, Bee Sage, California White Sage, and Salvarial

White sage is a flowering perennial that is native to the Southwest U.S. Its tall woody stems and tiny white flowers love dry, arid slopes with lots of sun, and flourish in the rocky heights of the southwestern canyons. The aromatic herb has been used for centuries as incense and in smudge pots for ceremonial use * thus its common name of white ceremonial sage.
In addition to being burned as incense, white sage has medicinal uses. Some Native American tribes used white sage to treat coughs and colds, or added to a sweat bath as a general tonic and fever reliever. Burning leaves have been used to fumigate a house or dwelling after a contagion, and to purify the air during illnesses. White ceremonial sage also has been used as a hair rinse and a deodorant poultice to reduce body odor. ItÍs a very strong anti-inflammatory when taken as a tea or infusion, and may help reduce ulcerative symptoms.

Diterpines and triterpenes, including carnosic acid, oleaolic acid, and ursolic acid

White sage and it's smoke should not be ingested by women who are pregnant.

For educational purposes only

Not suitable for pregnant women or children.

How to perform a Smudge Ritual


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