Methylene Blue
Made in Australia.
Liquid - 50ml
1.3% methylene blue
98.7% distilled water
Ingredients: Methylene blue, distilled water.
approximately 800mcg per drop
1.3% solution
Powder 20g - Advanced use only - must be diluted before use
Assay: 98%
Water content ≤ 5%
Insoluble matter ≤ 2.0%
Use with caution must be diluted before use.
* Please be mindful of staining. MB is a potent pigment. Handle with care.
* Please note that MB is an MAOI and is not suitable for use in conjunction with SSRI medications or other MAOIs. If you are currently on any medication, please conduct further research to make sure it’s right for you. We are not health care professionals and do not offer medical or health advice.
Not suitable for pregnancy or breastfeeding.
How many micrograms are in your drops?
It's not an exact science as the drop sizes can vary slightly depending on pressure, drops come out at approximately 800mcg each.
How do you take it?
There are a few ways. Ours is a liquid solution, so you can simply place a few drops (carefully - it stains!) into water or juice and swallow it, or if you're feeling brave and have a few hours at home and you won't mind having a blue tongue, directly into your mouth. The taste is quite bitter, so some people enjoy mixing a bit of cordial or citrus to neutralise it.
You can also add some drops into a nebuliser and breathe the vapour for a more cognitive effect.
What is the correct dosage?
The ultimate question! There is a lot of information out there on dosage for MB which can often be contradictory, but through our experience with customers it varies so greatly per individual. That's why the general recommendation we like to offer is start small and slow, then work your way up. Some folks are very sensitive to one drop, while other's don't feel much after forty drops! It all depends on how your body metabolises them and what's happening in your system.
Take it slow and allow time to figure out what works best for you.
Will it stain my teeth?
If you have natural teeth, no. They may appear blue for a little while after taking it, however it will fade. In fact, we have noticed MB having a slight whitening effect due to the cancellation of yellow pigment (like purple shampoo).
However, if you have dentures or veneers, there is definitely potential for long term and permanent staining and you should tread very carefully and maybe reconsider.
No health claims are made or intended for this product.
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the TGA * These products are not intended to cure, diagnose or treat disease. Information is for informational purposes only.
Established in 1991 in the heart of Townsville, Plant Essentials (previously The Perfect Potion Townsville) has grown to become North Queensland's very own trusted beauty remedy brand. Offering a wonderful range of natural health & beauty products, earth friendly solutions, herbs & teas, essential oils & crystals. Plus classes in how to make your own creations.
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