Lavender Oil Uses, the Grandmother of all Herbs and Essential Oils
lavender essential oil
lavender flowers
lavender tea

Lavender Oil Uses, the Grandmother of all Herbs and Essential Oils

Lavender oil uses is so vast, yet so naturally gorgeous. Grandmother Lavender, arguable the most well known little lady in the Western world.  She's so elegant, so lovely, so regal, and so so comforting.  And, so under-rated.


Lavender has been used for over 2,500 years. Ancient persians, greeks, and romans added the flowers to their bathwater to help wash and purify their skin. In fact, the word "lavender" comes from the latin word "lavare," which means "to wash."

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Phoenicians, arabians, and egyptians used lavender along with other oils as perfume, as well as for mummification — mummies were wrapped in lavender-dipped garments. In greece and rome, it was used as an all-around cure, while in medieval and renaissance europe, it was scattered all over stone castle floors as a natural disinfectant and deodorant.  


Lavender essential oil has so many used in a home first aid kit, and if your budget is light, it should be the first think you purchase in my opinion.  Lavender (lavendula angustifolia) is used in aromatherapy as a relaxant and sedative.  It also has carminative, anti-flatulence and anti-colic properties, as well as antiseptic & anti-fungal actions.  

So what does all that mean?

  • It can help you sleep & is calming on frazzled nerves.
  • It can be used to prevent or heal minor infections, including pimples.
  • It can help minor burns to heal, and at the same time soothes.
  • It can help to alleviate digestive issues such as wind.
  • It can heal minor fungal conditions such as tinea.
  • It can help reduces bruising and pain.

Sometimes you may need more than lavender when a condition is more sever, and that is when the rest of the herb and essential oil family can come to the rescue.  

But most of the time, little ol' miss lavender will happily do the job.


  • To apply to the skin: dilute it into a oil (such as jojoba oil) or jojoba cream base to around 0.5-1% for the face area, or 1-2.5% for the body area.  Lavender is one of those essential oils you can get away with a pure drop here or there for a cut or pimple.
  • To diffuse, pop 5-8 drops in your diffuser with some water (as per the instructions for your diffuser).
  • In the bath, add 10-20 drops to a cup of milk (or anything with some fat in it) and pour in bath..  If you want a moisturising coat left on your skin, add the lavender essential oil to some apricot oil or coconut oil and pour in bath. Yum!


  • Simply put a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers into a tea infuser,
  • place it in a mug and add freshly boiled water.  
  • Let sit for 5 minutes, give it a little stir,
  • remove your infuser, and enjoy!

So what do you use lavender for ?

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