Different minerals have different benefits, so no mineral can be termed as more beneficial or less beneficial than another. All minerals, even trace ones, are critical for the proper functioning of the body. Most of the minerals aid in body metabolism, water balance, and bone health, but they can participate in hundreds of other small ways to effectively boost health as well.
Health Benefits of Minerals
Below is a list of some of the minerals found in the body, including their associated benefits.
TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.Antimony,
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals. cellfood
Source: cellfood
Source: cellfood
Barium, The benefits of barium for life processes in plants and animals is as yet unknown although it does act to stimulate the metabolism. Source: Beetroot, Black Walnut, TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals. cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Boron, Boron is responsible for keeping the calcium levels in the body the balanced and also involved in the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. It is responsible for the structure and maintenance of strong bones reducing the chance of developing arthritis and osteoporosis and may help to ease arthritis symptoms. It is also beneficial for regulating hormones, hence reducing reducing symptoms of menopause, psoriasis and rosacea, prevents blood clots and has antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can raise the testosterone levels in men and help to build up muscles and also plays a very important role in checking growth of germs in the mouth as well promoting the health of bones and teeth. Source: Chia Seeds, Hemps Seeds, Honey, TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Bismuth, As a natural part of the diet it may help absorb toxins within the intestines and reduce stomach acidity. It also has an effect on thephosphorus and zinc balance in the body. Bismuth is absorbent and reduces acidity, which is why it is used to treat stomach upset, heartburn, diarrhoea and some gastrointestinal diseases, such aspeptic ulcers, infections of the eye and to reduce odour in the bowels. Source: Kelp, maca. Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Bromine, Bromine helps to provide a potent mechanism by which eosinophils kill multicellular parasites (such as the nematode worms involved in lymphatic filariasis) and also certain bacteria (such as the tuberculosisbacteria). Source: Chlorella, kelp, Spirulina, Sea Salt, TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Cadmium, Cadmium and zinc are found together in natural deposits and are similar in structure and function in the human body. Source: Black tea. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.
Calcium, The human body needs calcium more than any other mineral. A man weighing 70 kg. contains one kg. of calcium. About 99 per cent of the quantity in the body is used for building strong bones and teeth and the remaining one per cent is used by the blood, muscles and nerves. Calcium performs many important functions. Without this mineral , the contractions of the heart would be faulty, the muscles would not contract properly to make the limbs move and blood would not clot. Calcium stimulates enzymes in the digestive process and coordinates the functions of all other minerals in the body. Calcium also helps to protect colon cells from cancer-causing chemicals, prevents the bone loss that can occur as a result of menopause or certain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, helps to prevent migraine headaches, reduces PMS symptoms during the luteal phase (the second half) of the menstrual cycle. Calcium also plays a role in many other vital physiological activities, including blood clotting, nerve conduction, muscle contraction, regulation of enzyme activity, cell membrane function and blood pressure regulation. Because these activities are essential to life, the body utilises complex regulatory systems to tightly control the amount of calcium in the blood, so that sufficient calcium is always available. As a result, when dietary intake of calcium is too low to maintain adequate blood levels, calcium stores are drawn out of the bones to maintain normal blood concentrations. Source: Alfalfa, Aloe Vera, Basil, Beetroot, Black Seed, Burdock, Caraway seeds, Celery, Chia, Chicory, Chlorella, Coconut, Fennel, Goji Berries, Green Tea, Hemp Seeds, Kale, Green Oats, papaya, Parsley, rhubarb, rosehips, Sage, Spearmint, Spirulina, Turmeric, Watercress, Rosemary,Thyme, Flax Seeds. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Chloride, Is essential for the proper distribution of carbon dioxide and the maintenance of osmotic pressure in the tissues. This food element is necessary for the manufacture of glandular hormone secretions. It prevents the building of excessive fat and auto-intoxication. Chlorine regulates the blood’s alkaline and acid balance and works with potassium in a compound form. It aids in the cleaning out of body waste by helping the liver to function. Chlorine is necessary for the formation of gastric acid and helps the lungs with the excretion of carbon dioxide. It also helps in the transport of hormones and maintains the health of the joints. Chlorine Deficiency Can cause loss of hair and teeth. Source; coconut, sea salt. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.
Chromium, Chromium is a trace mineral element necessary for the proper function of insulin, a hormone that regulates glucose metabolism in the cells. Whenever carbohydrates or proteins are consumed, the pancreas releases insulin, which stimulates the cells of the liver, muscles and adipose tissue to absorb glucose, the primary fuel source for all cells. Insulin also accelerates the processing of fats and proteins in cells. Therefore, if proper energy metabolism is to occur in the tissues, it is essential that the cells respond appropriately to insulin's signals. Chromium plays a vital role in insulin signalling. Insulin prompts the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream by attaching to receptors on the surfaces of the cells, thereby making the cells' membranes more permeable to glucose. Chromium may help people with diabetes control blood sugar levels. Chromium influences energy metabolism in the body & is essential for the proper function of insulin and for the normal cellular processing of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Chromium also has a function in the HDL cholesterol production in the liver. This good cholesterol has in contrast to the harmful LDL cholesterol a positive influence on the health. LDL cholesterol can precipitate on the artery walls, which can cause heart and vascular diseases. HDL-cholesterol can remove this effect of LDL cholesterol. Chromium also stimulates the production of proteins in the body, raises immunity against infections and suppresses the feeling of hunger. Vitamin C enhances the absorption of Chromium. Source: Brewer's yeast, Aloe Vera, Black Pepper, Spirulina, Chromiun Supplement. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals. cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Caesium, Caesium, like potassium, enters cells and helps to maintain a balance of electrical charges between the inside and the outside of cells so that cells can perform tasks that depend on those electrical charges. Muscle and nerve cells require changing electrical charges in order to function properly and allow humans to think and move. Caesium has shown a remarkable ability in fighting and killing cancer cells. Cancer cells need acidic conditions for survival and caesium works towards creating an oxygen rich environment for the cells. There are three conditions within the human body; alkaline, acidic and neutral. When the oxygen content in a particular part is very low, then it leads to an acidic condition. Caesium travels to such areas and helps to increase the oxygen inflow. Caesium can also block the access of glucose to cancerous cells and effectively shut them down for good. Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Cobalt, Cobalt is a trace mineral element and a component of vitamin B12, a nutritional factor necessary for the formation of red blood cells and can thus prevent anaemia. Recent research in vitamin B12 has shown that its pink colour is attributed to the presence of cobalt in it. The presence of this mineral in foods helps the synthesis of haemoglobin and the absorption of food iron. Cobalt is needed to produce vitamin B12 by bacteria in the soil and therefore a lack of cobalt in this soil can result in a lack of vitamin B12 being produced which results in B12 deficiency in both the plants and the animals that consumed these plants. This can then result in a lack of vitamin B12 in the humans that consume these plants and animals. Together with vitamin B12, cobalt can help in the production of DNA, choline and red blood cells, promote a healthy nervous system, lower the blood pressure and can hold the myelin on level, the greasy cover that protects the nerves. Cobalt specifically affects the right coronary artery, resulting in vasodilatation with low levels and vasoconstriction with high levels, while nickel exerts the same vasodilatation / vasoconstriction effect on the left coronary artery. Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Copper, Copper is a trace element that plays an important part in the conversion of iron to haemoglobin, the enzyme found in red blood cells, which binds with oxygen in the lungs to get it into the blood. Copper also helps in the synthesis of other proteins and enzymes and supports the functioning of the nervous system and stimulates the growth of red blood cells and is necessary for the correct functioning of brain cells. It also helps with the maintenance and development of bones, tendons and connective tissues. It is also an integral part of certain digestive enzymes and makes the amino acid tyrosine usable, enabling it to work as the pigmenting factor for hair and skin. It is also is linked with thyroid metabolism especially in hormone production and absorption. Copper, together with zinc improves the absorption of vitamin D, the vitamin which aids in the absorption of calcium. Copper and zinc are antagonists, and the balance between them is an example of biological dualism which means they must be consumed in balanced measures as they have an effect on each other. An intake of too much zinc, which is a key ingredient in some over-the-counter cold remedies, can cause irreversible neurological ailments associated with copper deficiency. Likewise too much copper can displace zinc in the body and cause the zinc deficiency symptoms. Copper is also essential for the utilisation of vitamin C and works as an antioxidant. It can also help to prevent cancer, strengthens the immune system and protects against heart and vascular diseases . Source: Alfalfa, basil, beetroot, black seeds, caraway seeds, chlorella, goji berries, hemps seeds, sage , spirulina, black tea, himalayan salt, unrefined sea salt, organic cocoa, apple cider vinegar, chamomile. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals. cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Fluorine/Fluoride, Fluoride is a trace mineral element which has been added to many toothpastes and tap water because it is believed it can prevent tooth decay by strengthening the tooth enamel. However, once ingested, fluoride compounds attack the structural integrity of the insides. Collagen, a web like network connecting the skeletal system to muscles, is torn apart by fluoride. It can be felt as joint stiffness, ligament damage and aching bones. This same mechanism leads to browning of teeth, an outcome known as dental fluorosis. Children exposed to too much fluoride up until the age of nine can develop this brown mottling of the tooth enamel. Fluoride, in correct doses, can assist with the preservation of strong bones, because it promotes the uptake of calcium in the body. It protects against and treats osteoporosis and can help to prevent heart problems. Further it can prevent the calcification of organs and muscle skeleton structures. It can also prevent diseases from decaying the body as it is a germicide and acts as an antidote to poison, sickness and disease. There is a strong affinity between calcium and fluoride. These two elements, when combined, work particularly in the outer parts of bones. They are found in the enamel of the teeth and the shiny, highly polished bone surface. Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and decreases mouth bacteria. Source: Green Tea, garlic, betroot, watercress. TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Germanium, Germanium is a trace mineral has been found to promote the production of interferon, a substance produced in the body that works to prevent viruses and bacteria from penetrating the body's cells. Germanium keeps the balance in the body and can therefore lower high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. It strengthens the immune system and can be a painkiller. This mineral can have an anti-tumour function and for that is used as a part of the treatment of cancer. It can help treat those suffering with the Epstein-Barr-virus andHIV/AIDS. Source: Aloe vera, comfrey, garlic, ginseng, hemp seeds, spirulina.TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Gold, The ancients believed that colloidal gold would facilitate extraordinary life spans, cure many diseases and even sharpen their intuition, Edible gold is believed to allow the body to operate close to perfection. Gold is a good electrical conductor and there are many reports which state that gold increases the ability of each cell to conduct better electrical impulses. Gold is useful in treating arthritis, prostate cancer, cervical cancer and many other ailments. It has actions associated with the pineal gland. Source: Beetroot, TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Source: cellfood.
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Hydrogen, Plays a vital role in the electron transport chain. It builds cells, and if left unmodulated, makes them hard and brittle. These effects are balanced by the action of oxygen. Hydrogen is needed by the body to build and repair immune system, the body's organs and the cell structure. A lack of hydrogen can lead to dehydration resulting in brain shrinkage, face furrowing, face furrowing, drying of mucus, tendon/nerve cramping, gout, muscular rheumatism, mental confusion and inadequacy, neck stiffness, irritated skin and sore joints. pH (stands for potential of hydrogen), we all know how important pH is for the human body. This is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a substance is. Acids have pH values under 7, and alkalis have pH values over 7. If a substance has a pH value of 7, it is neutral-neither acidic or alkaline. Our western diets have a tendency to make us unbalanced. High Acidity could cause: Cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen. Weight gain, obesity and diabetes. Bladder and kidney conditions, including kidney stones. Immune deficiency. Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations. Weak, brittle bones, hip fractures and bone spurs. Joint pain, aching muscles and lactic acid buildup. Low energy. High Alkaline body could cause: Skin and liver problems. Parasites, body odor and bad breath. Allergies (food and environmental). Chronic infections and weak conditions. Constipation, slow bowels. Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood.
Iodine, The chief store-house of iodine in the body is the thyroid gland. The essential thyroxin, which is secreted by this gland, is made by the circulating iodine. Thyroxin is a chemical which controls the basic metabolism and oxygen consumption of tissues, in particular, in burning a surplus of fat. It increases the heart rate as well as urinary calcium excretion. Iodine is a trace mineral element which regulates the rate of energy production and body weight and promotes proper growth. It improves mental alacrity and promotes healthy hair, nails, skin and teeth. It also stimulates the liver to produce the good HDL cholesterol, determines the level of the metabolism, relieves pain by connective tissue inflammations in the breasts (fibrocystic breast problems), prevents thyroid gland disturbances, loosens mucus that may block the airways, is a natural anti-inflammatory and disinfection agent and offers protection against the poisonous effects of radioactive substances. The thyroid gland uses iodine and the amino acid tyrosine to produce the hormones thyroxin and triiodothyronine. Both of these hormones function to regulate cellular metabolism. Metabolism refers to all of the processes that make energy available to cells. As such, these hormones regulate the conversion of glycogen (stored glucose) to glucose. Selenium is a necessary co-factor for a family of enzymes called iodothyronine deiodinase. These enzymes are responsible for activation and deactivation of thyroid hormones. As such, deficiency of selenium may either exacerbate iodine deficiency or even mimic some of the symptoms. The high prevalence of sugar, refined carbohydrates or rancid vegetable oils prevent the absorption of iodine in the body. Source: beetroot, garlic, hemp seeds, kelp sea salt, Chlorella, spirulina, kelp, Himalayan crystal salt, TJ Clarke Colloidal, cellfood
source: cellfood
Iridium, Iridium is found in meteorites with an abundance much higher than its average abundance in the Earth's crust. In the human body iridium is a powerful antioxidant that stabilises the body’s metabolism and destroys free radicals. Free radicals are what cause the human body to decay, breakdown and become susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. Iridium is involved with processes that are associated with the spinal cord and pituitary gland. Source: Flaxseed, Green Tea, watercress., TJ Clarke Colloidal
Iron, Iron is an important trace mineral which enters into the vital activity of the blood and glands. It has an important contribution to the oxygen transport and the formation of red blood cells. Iron is part of the enzymes haemoglobin (in the blood) and myoglobulin (in the muscles) and also of other enzymes. It is also important in the energy production and it raises the immune system. Iron exists chiefly as haemoglobin in the blood. It distributes the oxygen inhaled into the lungs to all the cells. It is the master mineral which creates warmth, vitality and stamina. It is required for the healthy complexion and for building up resistance in the body. Iron also improves physical performances, can help preventing cancer, prevents and cures anaemia, helps preventing learning problems for children, increases immunity, raises energy levels, holds the energy level stable and promotes a calm sleep. Women absorb more iron than men, but iron deficiencies are more common for women than men. This is because of the loss of blood during the menstruation. Also the blood production for the foetus, breast-feeding, and the use of a spiral, has claim a lot of the iron reserves of a woman. Studies have shown that women from the adolescence until the menopause have a large risk of developing a chronic iron deficiency. As a consequence anaemia can develop. Symptoms of women with iron deficiency are: tiredness, pale skin, respirations difficulties in case of physical effort, headache, heart palpitations, a lowered appetite and tingling of the hands and feet. Source: alfalfa, beetroot, black seeds, burdock, caraway seeds, chia seeds, chlorella, fennel, garlic, goji berries, kale, kelp, nettles, oats, oregano, papaya, parsley, rosehips, rosemary, sage, black tea, turmeric, Black pepper, parsley, thyme, Spirulina, Hemp seeds, TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
source: cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Lithium, Lithium is a nutritionally essential trace element with a potential to decrease mortality and provide anti-aging capabilities and has therapeutic properties with bi-polar and manic-depressive disorders. Lithium also has an effect on the potassium and sodium balance in the body. In addition to treating patients with depression, lithium has been used with some success for Ménière's disease, Huntington's chorea andalcoholism. It may also be beneficial for brain injury, spinal cord injury, stroke, Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis but trials are still underway. Source: goji berries , hemp seeds, kelp, Black Tea, Cocoa,Cinnamon, Honey, TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Magnesium, This mineral is an important nutrient for the brain and it raises the resistance against stress, depression, tensions and helps against mental tiredness. It also strengthens the memory and concentration. Magnesium is involved in releasing energy from the diet and is involved in a good functioning nervous system and muscles. It is also involved in the formation of strong bones and teeth and is active as an assistant cofactor of the B and C vitamins. It is necessary for many body functions, such as energy production and cell division and is essential for the transfer of nerve impulses. It protects against heart and vascular diseases, repairs and maintains the cells and is necessary for hormone production. It helps to prevent kidney and bile stones and can lower blood pressure. Magnesium is useful in the treatment of fibromyalgia, prostate problems, 'restless legs' and premenstrual tension. This mineral acts as a co-factor for more than 300 enzymes, including enzymes involved in the body's use of glucose and insulin secretion. All human tissues contain small amounts of magnesium. The adult human body contains about 25 g of this mineral. The greater part of this amount is present in bones in combination with phosphate and carbonate. Bone ashes contain less than one per cent magnesium. About one-fifty of the total magnesium in the body is present in the soft tissues, where it is mainly bound to protein. Next to potassium, magnesium is the predominant metallic action in living cells. The bones seem to provide a reserve supply of this mineral in case of shortage elsewhere in the body. Magnesium is the mineral that stabilises the heart, calms the nerves and regulates the heart beat. Biochemists call magnesium the " cool, alkaline, refreshing, sleep-promoting mineral". Magnesium helps one keep calm and cool during the sweltering summer months. It aids in keeping nerves relaxed and normally balanced. It is necessary for all muscular activity. This mineral is in activator for most of the enzyme system involving carbohydrate, fat and protein in energy-producing reactions. It is involved in the production of lecithin which prevents building up of cholesterol and consequent atherosclerosis. It helps prevent calcium deposits in kidneys and gallstones and also brings relief from indigestion. Magnesium is nature's own calcium channel blocker. When there is enough magnesium around, veins and arteries breathe a sigh of relief and relax, which lessens resistance and improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Studies show that a deficiency of magnesium is not only associated with heart attack but that immediately following a heart attack, lack of sufficient magnesium promotes free radical injury to the heart. Magnesium rich foods are commonly recommended to people who suffer from asthma issues. It can increase lung capacity and build on the efficiency of the respiratory process. Magnesium has also proved useful in bladder and urinary problems and in epileptic seizure. This mineral together with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) has also been found effective in the prevention and treatment of kidney stones. Source: alfalfa, aloe vera, black pepper, black seed, burdock, caraway seeds, chia seeds, chlorella, cocoa beans (raw), coconut, fennel , kelp, parsley, sage, Hemp seeds, Raw cocoa, Flaxseeds, Chia seeds, Spirulina, Kale, Nettles, Plantain., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Manganese, Manganese is a micro-mineral involved in the synthesis of protein like substances, bones and cartilage. An enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) contains manganese and this enzyme protects the body against free radicals. Manganese is necessary for a healthy functioning nervous system. It is also necessary for the production of feminine hormones, the normal structure of the bones. brain function, the formation of thyroxin (thyroid gland hormone), the synthesis of structural proteins in the body and the metabolism of glucose and is a useful mineral for athletes. The human body contains 30 to 35mg. of manganese, widely distributed throughout the tissues. It is found in the liver, pancreas, kidney and pituitary glands. This mineral helps nourish the nerves and brain and aids in the coordination of nerve impulses and muscular actions. It helps eliminate fatigue and reduces nervous irritability. Manganese is also important for regulating blood sugar so is useful for diabetics. Source: aloe vera, cardamom, fennel, green tea, hemp seeds, peppercorns, spirulina, black tea, turmeric, Cloves, Cocoa beans, Garlic, Brewer’s yeast., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Molybdenum, Molybdenum is an element that is present in very small amounts in the body. It is involved in many important biological processes including development of the nervous system, waste processing in the kidneys and energy production in cells. It acts as co-factor to a number of important enzymes needed for nutrition, fertility and immunity. Molybdenum helps the body manufacture enzymes, such as the ones needed for the use of the energy from the fats and carbohydrates, as well as helping the body make use of the iron ingested which sustains mental alertness. Molybdenum is also essential for blood sugar balance. Molybdenum is an essential element in human nutrition, but its precise function and interactions with other chemicals in the body are not yet well understood. Some evidence suggests that too little molybdenum in the diet may be responsible for some health problems such as Wilson's disease in which the body cannot process copper. Eating foods containing molybdenum can help to relieve a number of conditions such as allergies, asthma, concentration problems,diabetes, infertility, kidney malfunction, gout, dental cavities and tooth decay and sexual impotence. Source: Brewer's yeast, Chia Seeds., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
source: cellfood
Nickel, Nickel interacts with cobalt, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and vitamin B15. Nickel (Ni) and Cobalt (Co) are associated trace elements and considered essential to human health. While a cobalt and vitamin B12 relationship is well documented, a similar, but less documented affiliation applies to nickel and vitamin C. Also less documented is the control nickel and cobalt exert over the muscular walls of the body's arteries. Nickel specifically affects the left coronary artery, resulting in vasodilation with low levels, and vasoconstriction with high levels, while cobalt exerts the same vasodilatation / vasoconstriction effect on the right coronary artery. Nickel and vitamin C share a common antagonist; vitamin E. The association of nickel to vitamin C is similar to the one of cobalt to vitamin B12 as far as excess and deficiency symptoms and their interaction with other nutrients is concerned. For instance, iron deficiency (anaemia) is often found in the presence of low nickel, and it is a well-known fact that vitamin C assists in iron absorption. Both vitamin C and nickel can also be beneficial for cirrhosis of the liver, hypoadrenalism and can improve insulin production in diabetics. The cell receptors of nickel and cobalt are neurologically linked to the spinal segment T4, whereby both, its alignment, and various nutritional factors control the ratio of nickel and cobalt. Alignment problems of T4, or nutritional imbalances involving nickel, cobalt,vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B12 and vitamin B15 can either result in localised physical discomfort, or they can trigger cardiac, cerebral, emotional and/or anxiety-problems due to blood flow changes to the heart or brain through their respective vasoconstrictive or vasodilating changes. Intestinal absorption of nickel is less than 10%, with the kidneys controlling the retention or elimination of nickel, however most of it is eliminated in faeces, some in urine, and a small amount through sweat., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Nitrogen, Nitrogen is part of all amino acids, which make up proteins including those in DNA and RNA. The human body contains about 3% by weight of nitrogen, the fourth most abundant element in the body after oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. In respiration, the presence of nitrogen in the air inhibits oxidation of the lung tissues, where specialised cells extract the oxygen from the air (normally about 20% by volume). Nitrogen is essential for the human body to synthesise amino acids. The protein that is consumed in the diet contains amino acids. These are made up of organic molecules containing nitrogen. Through the nitrogen obtained from these amino acids, the body produces other amino acids that are vital for body functions. Microbes transform nitrogen into forms that get absorbed in the plants. Source: Brewers yeast, Kelp.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Oxygen, Oxygen is vital to the healthy functioning of our body. It fuels all of its systems, fires its chemical reactions, and eliminates wastes and toxins. Oxygen is absorbed by hemoglobin in the blood and is transferred to every cell in the body. Cellular homeostasis is dependent on adequate supply of oxygen in the blood. Life is indeed propelled by the oxygen in our blood, and a lack of oxygen results in sickness, poor vitality, poor stamina, fatigue and general weak disposition. The greater oxygen levels in our bodies, the more resistant we become to viruses and harmful bacteria. When scientists analyzed the oxygen content of air bubbles trapped in ice-core drillings at the Antarctica, they found that the earth's atmosphere at one time contained between 38% and 44% oxygen. Over the years, increased pollution, increased toxins, mass rain forest destruction, and the reduction in of other natural oxygen producers have decreased the level of oxygen in our present day atmosphere from above 38% to below 20%.In major cities the oxygen content of the air has measured as low as 10%. Combustion of carbon and hydrocarbon fuels decrease the oxygen content of the air. Decrease in the size of the earth's forests results in less oxygen being released back into the atmosphere. Cooking or heating food reduces the oxygen content in vegetables and fruits, and processed foods have little or no oxygen content. Eating packaged foods with preservatives, anything hydrogenated (margarine), polyunsaturated fats, white flour, processed sugars, etc. all rob the body of oxygen. Valuable oxygen is needed to process and metabolize these foods - oxygen needed for primary metabolic functions and to fight disease. Add to this smoking, drinking to excess, lack of exercise and stress and you can understand why the population is oxygen deprived. Because our bodies are not designed for low level oxygen consumption, harmful toxins accumulate in our cells, tissues, organs, and blood streams. Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Phosphorus, Phosphorous combines with calcium to create the calcium-phosphorus balance necessary for the growth of bones and teeth and in the formation of nerve cells. This mineral is also essential for the assimilation of carbohydrates and fats. It is a stimulant to the nerves and brain. Phosphorus also contributes to proper kidney functioning and lessens arthritis pain. Phosphorus is an important component of nucleic acids, the building blocks of the genetic code. In addition, the metabolism of lipids (fats) relies on phosphorus and it is an essential component of lipid-containing structures such as cell membranes and nervous system structures. It also plays a role in the structure of every cell in the body. In addition to its role in forming the mineral matrix of bone, phosphorus is an essential component of numerous other life-critical compounds including adenosine triphosphate or ATP, the molecule that is the energy currency of the body. Calcium cannot achieve its objectives unless phosphorous is also present in a proper balance. Too much phosphorous, though, can cause diarrhoea and calcification (hardening) of organs and soft tissue and can interfere with the body's ability to use iron, calcium,magnesium and zinc. It is a matter of getting the balance right which is why supplementation is not advised. Source: alfalfa, beetroot, black seeds, burdock, chia seeds, chlorella, flax seeds, hemp seeds, kelp, sage, spirulina, turmeric, Whey powder, Raw cocoa powder, Water cress ., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Platinum, Platinum is the rarest and purest precious metal in the world and it's also been embraced by modern medicine. Platinum-based chemotherapy is used to treat testicular, ovarian, colon and lung cancers. Platinum affects the DNA and RNA in cells and since cancer cells are more actively dividing than normal cells, the platinum destroys the DNA and destroys the cell. Platinum is also used to treatsexually-transmitted disease (STD) such as syphilis. It is also useful for treating bacterial, fungal or virus infections, muscle, glandular, brain or nerve malfunctions, insomnia, premenstrual tension, back pain, neuralgia, headaches and chronic fatigue. It can also promote youthful vitality and mental alertness. Up until the 1980's platinum was abundant in many vegetables like kale and spinach. Since then, platinum and many other minerals such as magnesium, have been leached from the soil of many countries through intensive farming techniques and over cropping. Sources from the sea and lakes are now richer in platinum and these other minerals than land grown crops. Source: Spirulina, Hemp seeds , chlorella, kelp., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
source: cellfood
Potassium, Potassium is essential to the life of every cell of a living being and is among the most generously and widely distributed of all the tissue minerals. It is found principally in the intracellular fluid where it plays an important role as a catalyst in energy metabolism and in the synthesis of glycogen and protein. The average adult human body contains 120 g as potassium and 245 g as potassium chloride. There is 117 g found in the cells and 3 g in the extra cellular compartment. Potassium is most concentrated inside the cells of the body. The gradient, or the difference in concentration from within the cell compared to the plasma, is essential in the generation of the electrical impulses in the body that allow muscles and the brain to function. Potassium is an electrolyte which means it is a mineral with an electric charge that is present in blood and other fluids in the body. This mineral is necessary for growth, electrical activity of the heart, maintaining normal blood pressure, muscle function including the heart and nerve impulse transmission. It also helps overcome fatigue and aids in clear thinking by sending oxygen to the brain. Potassium is also responsible for regulating bodily fluids which prevents dehydration. It also helps the kidneys in detoxification of blood and acts as an alkalising agent in keeping a proper acid-alkaline balance in the blood and tissues. It promotes the secretion of hormones which helps to prevent female disorders by stimulating the endocrine hormone production and is also a mineral required for producing healthy sperm in males. Tear film includes electrolytes, one of which is potassium. One of the first-line treatments prescribed for dry eye is the use of lubricating drops. It is often recommended to choose a drop with an electrolyte composition closest to that of natural tears. Potassium in addition to bicarbonate appears to be one the most important of these electrolytes in tear film. Several research studies have demonstrated that potassium levels have a direct impact on tear film. Researchers have found that lower levels of potassium negatively affect tear-film break-up time and also are integral to the maintenance of corneal epithelium. Another study on animal subjects showed that potassium is necessary for the maintenance of normal corneal thickness. Each of these discoveries highlights the importance of potassium to the optimal health of the corneal surface. Source: alfalfa, beetroot, black pepper, black seeds, caraway seeds, chia seeds, coconut, green tea, hemp seeds, nettles, parsley, peppercorns, spearmint, spirulina, turmeric, Raw cocoa, Whey powder, Spirulina, Coconut water, TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Rhodium, Rhodium is the only known substance that can increase the thymus glands actions which has an incredible healing potential for diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS. Rhodium acts as a superconductor of light which substantially increases the speed of transfer of information between the left and right brain hemispheres. Source: flaxseed oil, grape seeds, green tea, shiitake mushrooms, watercress., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Rubidium, Rubidium plays an essential role in the synthesis of enzymes. One such enzyme, glucoamylase, that rubidium helps to create is very essential for the proper absorption of glucose in the body. Without rubidium to help the action of the enzyme, the glucose molecules would not be able to get absorbed efficiently which can lead to diabetes. Rubidium also enhances the production of many hormones and various other enzymes. The working of the pituitary gland, as well as the salivary and lachrymal glands, is encouraged with the presence of rubidium. It is also useful in the synthesis of serotonin and ensures presence of enough serotonin in the body which alleviates depression and mental imbalances. Rubidium, along with caesium and potassium, has been shown to be effective in preventing cancer. Rubidium helps to regulate the flow ofiron into the bloodstream, which in turn helps in better absorption of iron. When there is enough iron present in the blood, rubidium acts as a block and stops more iron from being let into the blood which may be one reason it can help to prevent cancer. Cancerous cells thrive on iron. The incidence of cancer in the Hopi native tribe of Arizona in the US is one in 1000 as compared to one in four in developed nations as a whole. Hopi food runs higher in all the essential minerals than conventional foods and it is especially rich in caesium, potassium and rubidium because the soil where they reside is volcanic. These people live chiefly on desert grown flint corn 'Zea mays indurata') products but instead of using baking soda they use the ash of chamisa leaves (Ericameria nauseosa), a desert grown plant. The analysis of this ash shows it to be very rich in rubidium. The Hopi also eat many fruits per day, especially apricots, including the kernels. In 1985, the incidence of cancer among the Pueblo native tribe was also one in 1000, the same as the Hopi, as their food at that time was essentially the same. But unlike the Hopi, the Pueblo began to use certain items from outside their environment and supermarkets were introduced to the area. Today, the incidence of cancer among the Pueblos has now risen to one in four. The higher incidence of cancer is obviously due to reduced levels of caesium, potassium and rubidium in supermarket foods. The natives who live in Central America and on the highlands of Peru and Ecuador also have very low incidences of cancer and again the soil in these areas is volcanic. Fruit from the areas has been obtained and analysed for rubidium and caesium and found to run very high in both elements. Cases have been reliably reported where people with advance inoperable cancer have gone to live with these Indians and found that all tumour masses disappear within a few months. Cancer is also unknown among the Hunza of Pakistan. They are mainly vegetarian and great fruit eaters, often consuming up to 40 apricots per day including the kernels, either directly or as a meal. They drink at least two litres of mineral water from the natural springs that surround them. This water has been analysed and found to be very rich in caesium. Since the soil is volcanic in nature, it must be concluded that it will also be rich in potassium and rubidium. Source: Apricot kernels, beetroot, bilberries, chlorella, dandelion leaves, Himalayan salt crystals, kelp, , parsley, rhubarb, spirulina, black tea, unrefined sea salt., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Selenium, Selenium and vitamin E are synergistic and the two together are stronger than each one on its own. Selenium slows down ageing and hardening of tissues through oxidation. Males seem to have a greater need for this mineral. Nearly half of the total supply in the body is concentrated in the testicles and in the seminal ducts adjacent to the prostate gland. Selenium is useful in keeping youthful elasticity in tissues. It alleviates hot flushes and menopausal distress. It also helps in the prevention and treatment of dandruff and improves the condition of hair and nails. Selenium is an important antioxidant that plays a role in the body's utilisation of oxygen. Alcoholics, as well as patients with candidiasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and arthrogryposis-renal dysfunction-cholestasis (ARC), have all shown low levels of selenium. In addition, heart disease and cancer are higher in people with diminished selenium levels. Selenium also has a role in detoxifying poisonous phenols, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, hydrocarbons and chlorine. Many people with allergic reactions to these substances have found relief through the use of selenium. However, selenium can be toxic in large amounts. Source: alfalfa, aloe vera, burdock, caraway seeds, fennel, garlic, goji berries, kelp, spirulina, chia seeds, TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Silicon/Silica, Silica is known as the " beauty mineral " as it is essential for the growth of skin, hair shafts, nails and other outer coverings of the body. It also makes the eyes bright and assists in hardening the enamel of the teeth. It is beneficial in all healing process and protects body against many diseases such as tuberculosis, irritations in mucous membranes and skin disorders. Silica has a powerful influence on the absorption of minerals required by the body for optimal health. It enhances the function of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and boron, and is essential for normal bone development. Silica helps to maintain the correct calcium-magnesium balance which is essential for bone health. Source: Honey, beetroot, horsetail., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Silver, Silver has shown a very powerful potential to kill fungi, viruses and harmful bacteria, It can also soothe burns, repair skin and tissue damage and treat scars, rashes, sty's and acne. Colloidal silver is easily digested and therefore easily absorbed into the internal organs that need it most. This ease of absorption helps the benefits of colloidal silver work fast. Colloidal silver is a suspension of sub-microscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal base. A colloidal substance is any which has the quality of having another substance diffused evenly throughout it. The infection fighting benefits of silver has been known since Roman times. Soldiers in the Roman legions would always place a silver coin into their water containers on their long marches into battle, to help prevent the water from becoming bacterially contaminated. It is said they would also beat pure silver into a thin foil and wrap the silver foil around wounds received in battle, to help prevent the wounds from becoming infected, and thus allowing them to recover quickly to fight again. The presence of silver in the human body appears to "prime" white blood cells to go on the offensive against cancers, pathogens, toxins and other invaders, which may be why so many chronic degenerative diseases seemed to respond so well to colloidal silver. It also has the ability to carry oxygen throughout the body, (much like the iron in haemoglobin) wherever extra oxygen might be needed. Additionally, it has the ability to boost the production of red blood cells, which are the body's main carriers of oxygen to the tissues and organs. Scientists have found that the microscopic, electrically generated silver particles in a liquid colloidal solution could be safely ingested in order to heal a wide variety of ailments, including internal infections such as colds and flu, food poisoning, urinary tract infection,candida yeast infections, infections of the internal organs such as the kidneys and liver, sexually transmitted diseases such assyphilis and gonorrhoea, HIV/AIDS, parasites, cancer, tetanus and even deadly diseases like bubonic plague, anthrax disease and numerous others. It has been proved that there were hardly any infectious organisms in existence which were not subject to the incredible antimicrobial qualities of colloidal silver. In laboratory tests, over 650 different infectious microorganisms were found to be no match for colloidal silver. Silver has also been found to successfully treat many forms of chronic degenerative disease including cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohn's disease, type II diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Wegener's disease and collagen-vascular diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and Alzheimer's. Source: Hemp seeds, colloidal silver., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
source: cellfood
Strontium, Stable strontium is one of the most effective substances yet found for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions as it has the ability to replace some calcium and harden the bones making them less likely to break or fracture. However, human contamination with radioactive strontium can come from inhaling or consuming radioactive strontium dust or water or eating crops grown near to nuclear power reactors and certain government facilities such as weapon testing areas. Radioactive strontium particles can also pass through the skin. Since radioactive strontium is taken up into bone, the bone itself and nearby soft tissues may be damaged by radiation released over time. Bone marrow is the most important source of red blood cells, which are depleted if the radioactive strontium level is too high. Problems from lowered red blood cell counts include anaemia, which causes excessive tiredness, blood that does not clot properly and a decreased resistance to fight disease. Repeatedly administering stable strontium can gradually eliminate radioactive strontium from the body. The stable form slowly replaces the radioactive form in bone and radioactive strontium is excreted in the urine. Because of its chemical similarity to calcium, strontium can replace calcium to some extent in various biochemical processes in the body, including replacing a small proportion of the calcium in hydroxyapatite crystals of calcified tissues such as bones and teeth. Strontium in these crystals imparts additional strength to these tissues. Strontium also appears to draw extra calcium into bones making them stronger and thicker. Strontium can relieve bone pain, reduce fractures and improve mobility in persons suffering from osteoporosis, reduce cavities in teethand help to gain weight in persons suffering with bone cancer. It also has a a cartilage growth promoting affect in arthritis sufferers. Source: Kelp, TJ Clarke Colloidal
Sulphur, All living matter contains some sulphur; this element is therefore essential for life. The greater part of the sulphur in the human body is present in the two sulphur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, or in the double form of the latter known as cystine. The main purpose of sulphur is to dissolve waste materials. It helps to eject some of the waste and poisons like heavy metals from the system. It helps keep the skin clear of blemishes and makes hair glossy. It is also valuable in rheumatic conditions. Source: beetroot, garlic, hemp seeds, Peppercorns, Spinach, Coconut., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
source: cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Tin, Tin is an essential trace element for some animals as they do not grow well without it. Although it has been said that there is no known biological function of tin in the human body there have been studies that suggest it could have a function in the tertiary structure of proteins or other bio-substances and the human body does have receptors for it. There has been very few studies of the function of tin in humans but of those that took place it did prove to lessen aches and pains and skin problems, increase energy and improve digestion, mood and general wellbeing in some people. There has also been studies where it has been shown to lessen fatigue and improve some forms of depression and there have been reports that it has the ability to treat asthma, certain types of headache and insomnia. When human tissue has been examined for tin after accidental death, it has been found in the aorta, brain, heart, kidneys, liver, muscles, ovaries, pancreas, spleen, stomach, testes and uterus. None has been found in the thyroid while the prostate, which usually shows no other trace element, has contained tin. Traces of tin can be found in the foetal heart and spleen and higher levels in the liver, while no tin has been found in still-born infants. Tin is far less toxic than other known vital trace elements, such as copper and cobalt, as it is excreted very quickly. Source: Barberry, bilberry, blessed thistle, brewer's yeast, devils claw, Irish moss, juniper, kelp, lady slipper, liquorice root, marshmallow root, milk thistle, nettle, red clover, valerian, yellow dock root., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Vanadium, Vanadium is a trace mineral found in many foods. It may be involved in normal bone growth and have a positive effect in people withdiabetes by lowering blood sugar levels and improving sensitivity to insulin in people with type 2 diabetes. In one study of people with type 2 diabetes, vanadium also lowered their total and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Like insulin, vanadium is believed to help shuttle nutrients, like amino acids and blood sugar, into muscle cells. Vanadium may also be important for bone formation, which could help maintain bone density and fight age-related loss of bone. This effect seems to be due to an enzyme-stimulating capacity and ability to enhance calcium metabolism and is important for growth and red blood cell production. Source: Parsley, Kelp, Black Pepper., TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
source: cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Zinc, Zinc is the healing mineral and part of the enzymes that helps the body to metabolise protein, carbohydrates and alcohol. It also aids in building bones and healing wounds. There are about two grams of zinc in the body where it is highly concentrated in the hair, skin, eyes, nails and testes. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis. It is also a constituent of many enzymes involved in metabolism. The human body's need for zinc is small but its role in growth and well-being is enormous and starts before birth. It is vital for healthy skin and hair, proper healing of wounds, successful pregnancies and male virility. It plays a essential role in guarding against diseases and infection and is also needed to transport vitamin A to the retina. There are 156 enzymes that require zinc for their functioning and healthy growth and sexual maturity are just two of the many functions that depend upon zinc. Copper, together with zinc improves the absorption of vitamin D, the vitamin which aids in the absorption of calcium. Zinc has been shown in recent studies to be especially useful in treating the common cold by making recovery quicker. Zinc Deficiency can result in alopecia, depression, delayed wound healing, diarrhoea, frequent infection. growth retardation, impaired immunity, impaired senses, impotence, infertility, loss of hair, night blindness, photophobia, poor appetite, scaly skin inflammation, skin diseases and weight loss. Those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may have a zinc deficiency. Those drinking excess alcohol have low levels of zinc because alcohol decreases zinc absorption and increases urinary secretion of zinc. Diuretic medications also adversely affect zinc levels. If an individual ingests excessive amounts of caffeine, drugs or sugar, it is more than likely that a zinc deficiency will develop. Low zinc levels can cause liver deterioration and diminished functioning of the reproductive organs, immune system and skin. A developing foetus requires a high amount of zinc, likewise, there is a high amount of zinc lost through breast milk after birth therefore pregnant and breast feeding women may need to consume extra zinc rich foods. Infants older than 6 months should eat age-appropriate foods which provide zinc as the amount in breast milk is no longer ample. Gastrointestinal surgery, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, short bowel syndrome and other digestive diseases can all decrease zinc absorption and increase zinc loss from the body. For unknown reasons 44% of children and 60-70% of adults with sickle cell disease have low levels of zinc. Iron can interfere with zinc absorption and therefore, if iron supplements are absolutely necessary, they should be taken alone between meals. Too much phosphorous can cause diarrhoea and calcification (hardening) of organs and soft tissue and can interfere with the body's ability to use iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. It is a matter of getting the balance right which is why supplementation is not advised. Foods that contain these minerals will never overdose the consumer with phosphorous. Source: alfalfa, aloe vera, black seed , chia seeds, chicory, chlorella, fennel, flax seeds, garlic, goji berries, green tea, sage, Chlorella, Hemp seeds, Alfalfa, Irish moss, black tea, Cocoa powder, Parsley, lemon grass, Agar seaweed, chicory, Spirulina, beetroot, borage, celery, dandelion leaves, garlic, kale, kelp, watercress, TJ Clarke Colloidal cellfood
Source: TJ Clarke Colloidal Minerals.cellfood
Joyce Bloomfield
Looking for zinc chloride to make black sav please can I buy some ?? Have bought it before from you
Jill Nelder
Wanting to buy zinc chloride to make the black salve but can’t find any on your website. Do you still sell it.
Thank you
Jill Nelder
After zinc chloride. wanting to buy 500 grams. Is it still available. Thank you
Margie Burke
Would like to buy zinc chloride 125g to make black salve please. Have bought it before from you.
Thank you.
Rainer Luppa
You used to sell Zinc Chloride in powder form. But that did not come up in your webpage.
Is it still available and at what cost and quantity?