Thanks Toni ..have only just seen this. No doubt all the meds she's been on would be instrumental. Will have another look tonight or tomorrow and see what shows up with lymphatics...and do a c...
So I just got a list of her most pressing health issues. She is 55yo.. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Fibromyalgia whole body. muscles, bones, joints Chronic headaches and migraines Eyesight ..cells ...
She has had lots of Health issues for about 15 years...only about 50yo. Worked for Government Guardianship Department and saw lots of it has impacted her health and she had to leav...
Hi Toni I have just done a remote hair and nails on a friend in Brisbane. Bior has shown Melanoma frequency in breast. Black Marker. What do you suggest to do with regards to letting the person kn...
FYI In case you haven't see it yet. Above is the link for the Pfizer Documents with about 9 pages of adverse reactions.
Dr John Campbell's videos on YouTube are worth watching. He was all for the jabs (Pretty sure he had 2 himself) until he started investigating. This one shows what is happening with the Spike Prote...